Online Dating Tips for Guys
Men should realize that women in the cyber world aren’t different from women you hit on when you’re at a bar. They are still women, complex and emotional. Treat them with respect and they will reciprocate. Well, at least some of them. Here are some online dating tips on how to handle and interact with women online.
1. Avoid too much “selfies” and topless photos on your profile page or any adult personals.
If you are looking for something casual, it doesn’t really matter. If you’re looking for long-term, your pictures will send out the wrong signal. Women like men with substance. They look beyond the physical. Although a very masculine body is of course a plus. They want to see that you are more than muscles and selfies. They actually want to see how dapper you look in a suit.

2. Be polite and nice.
Sometimes women aren’t as complex as what you think. Just be nice and you’ll become 5 times attractive. Remember you are chatting/skyping online. Punctuation marks and emojis aren’t enough to convey true emotions. You can mislead or confuse women when you use some words that may be interpreted as offensive. Avoid any sexual innuendos when you are just starting to date. If the girl is up for it, then go ahead and flirt away.
3. Make her laugh.
This is probably the best advice you can find in any online dating tips. Making a girl laugh is a foolproof way to get her attention and keep her interested. Funny guys always get the girl. Have you ever noticed in most movies, the funny lead actor who isn’t really as good looking as the competition, always ends up with the beautiful lead actress? The secret is to make a girl laugh but make sure you don’t appear as trying too hard. That would ruin the moment. If you have a knack for throwing funny jokes or punch lines, do it. The success rate is high. However, if you don’t have the talent of a comedian, you can always engage her in topics that are funny. Maybe you can talk about funny scenes from movies or current events. Exchange stories about anything that both of you can relate to and then start the conversation from there. If you share some laughter, that means you bonded. Talk to her again the next day and she’ll be as interested to talk to you also. You can feel the enthusiasm with the reply accompanied by a smiley face emoji. It is working. Keep it up.

However, some girls are really hard to please. If you think it isn’t working –which is rare, change your strategy. Talk about something that is interesting for her. Look at her profile page and review it.
4. Consistency
Consistency is key in any relationship, both online and real life. Consistency builds trust. Men should understand that it is in your nature to be attracted to as many girls as you can, especially online. You are visual creatures and you have too many options. Women know that. Don’t think that just because you talk to them often, they are already feeling the connection. They know you have a long list of women you talk to on that dating site or app.
When you talk to them consistently, somehow you are building trust. This is for those who are looking for long-term relationships. Of course at the start of your quest, you have to talk to several women in order to find someone you really like.

If you think you have found her, be consistent in texting her. Consistent and clingy are two completely different things. Consistent is texting at least once a day. You can use different chat applications for that. You ask how her day went or make at least small talks. Clingy is texting every hour. Consistent is smooth. Clingy is annoying. Now do you get the difference? If both of you willingly gives the same amount of attention to each other even if you text every hour, then that is not considered as clingy.
You can ask girls about it. Consistency is their deciding factor on whether they will give you a shot. Make an effort to at least say good night or greet good morning even when you are busy. It is a very small act, but it can really make girls feel special. If you aren’t consistent and you text her maybe twice a week, she will think that you only remember her when you are bored. Worse, she will think that you are talking to other girls you met online.
Besides, why would you talk to other girls if you decided you have met your match? That means you’re still playing the field. Do the girl a favor and tell her you aren’t interested in anything long-term. You are stealing other guy’s chance of getting a good girl. If the girl is also looking for something casual, then you have an understanding.

5. Date vs. Hanging out. What does each means to a girl?
Men usually avoid the word date. Why? Because the word carries weight and pressure. No one wants to carry the weight and deal with the pressure. Even women avoid it. However, for some women, the weight and pressure mean that you are really serious about them.
Assuming you’ve been talking for a while now. You already feel the connection and you want to see if it will also work in real life. So you decided to ask her out. For example, when you say: “Hey, let’s hang out some time.” That is fine. No pressure. When you hang out often, and you want to let the girl know you want to take it to the next level; you should ask her out on a date.

The instant shift will let her know you actually want to date her offline in a very romantic and gentlemanly way. Maybe this will reassure her feelings for you if there is any. If not, then good thing you let it out immediately.
These online dating tips for guys always work. Guys, don’t string girls along for too long if you don’t really like them. You can play as long as no one gets hurt in the process. Just practice fairness and consideration.
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